Legendarily Confused

I'll be attending Legendary ConFusion this weekend in Dearborn, Michigan, and Sandra is coming with me!

The big draw for me was an invitation from Myke Cole and Peter Brett to join them at the Author D&D table on Saturday morning. One thing led to another during our brainstorming: as of this writing I have painted miniatures for each of the player characters, some of the key monsters, and I'll be co-Dungeon-Mastering with Peat, who is building the adventure and will be driving the "physics engine" of the whole shebang.

I've been assured that a photographer and a live-action cameraman will be on-hand to capture the nerdy joy. Meanwhile, here's a picture of the adventuring party preparing to have a final dusting of matte finish sprayed on them:

(I'm not posting a picture of the monsters because spoilers.)

Author D&D is not the only thing going on during the weekend. The full program can be found here, and here's a quick list of the events I'm on:


  • 8:00pm, Southfield: Reading with Ron Collins and Howard Tayler


  • 9:00am until noon, Great Room: Author D&D, with Peter Brett, Wesley Chu, Kelley Armstrong, Sam Sykes, Myke Cole, Cherie Priest, and the Worldbuilders Auction Winner
  • 10:00am, I'll still be at Author D&D even though they have me listed on the "Worst. Advice. Ever." panel. 
  • 1:00pm, Southfield: Hybrid Publishing, with Sandra Tayler, John Klima, Lucy A. Snyder and Tobias Buckell
  • 3:00pm, Dearborn: Whose Cartoon is it Anyway? The audience gives suggestions, and they get drawn by Ben Rodriguez, Kurt Erichson, Matt Feazell, Michael Marcus, and Rich Morris. I'm moderating this one, but don't you think for one minute that will prevent me from grabbing a pen...
  • 4:00pm, Huron-Ontario-Erie: Mass Autograph Session 2 -- this is where you want to find me in order to have me sketch in your books. Don't miss out!
  • 9:00pm, Warren: Things That Go Bump in the Night, with Benjamin Rodriguez, J.C. Daniels, and Justin Landon


  • 10:00am, Rotunda: Fixing Inconsistencies in Your Own Works, with Kameron Hurley, Ron Collins, Janet Harriett, Catherine Shaffer, and Christine Purcell
  • 11:00am, Rotunda: The Writing Family, with Ron Collins, Brigid Collins, and Sandra Tayler

There will be Schlock Mercenary books in the Dealer's Room, but that's not where I'm spending my time. As you can see by the booked-solid-Saturday, I'll be doing panels, and between panels I'll be hanging out with friends. But don't be shy! Come on up and say hello!