Five Thousand...
With this evening's update I have posted 5,000 individual strips here at, one per day since June 12th of 2000.
Okay, that's not entirely accurate. A computer handled the posting. Still, 5,000 strips in 5,000 days. Not bad, automated process! Not bad at all. Also, I'm kind of pleased with my own hand in the matter, and I mustn't fail to recognize Travis Walton's hand in things. He's been doing the coloring since October 17th of 2009, so February 18th's strip is #1585 for him (not including the ones he's re-colored for the print editions.)
If you would like to celebrate, you could do that by introducing a friend to Schlock Mercenary. The two of you could then enjoy shared jokes! I do not see a down side to this. I shall celebrate by beginning work on Schlock Mercenary Book 15.