Find Howard at Salt Lake Comic Con
This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 5th-7th, you can find me and about 30,000 other people at the first ever Salt Lake Comic Con. Locating me in the crowd might be a little difficult, so I'll give you a schedule, and a map!
Here's the map. Click on it for the full-sized version, upon which you can read the tiny 1221 which is my non-prime, perfectly palendromic booth number. I am very nearly at the geographic center of the exhibit hall, which makes me feel quite special.
My schedule is as follows:
- 3:00 – 3:50 p.m. Panel Room 2, Illustrating Comics: A Beginner’s Guide to the Craft (Michael Lovins, Howard Tayler (M) Jess Smart Smiley, Jake Parker, Aneeka)
- 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. Panel Room 5, Comics on the Web: How Digital Media and Social Networking are Allowing Indie Comic Creators to Market & Distribute Their Work (Howard Tayler, Carter Reid, Aneeka, Barry Gardner)
- 3:00 – 3:50 p.m. Panel Room 3, Internet & Social Media Tools for Writers & Artists (Howard Tayler, Heather Ostler, Michaelbrent Collings, Eric James Stone, Warky T. Chocoba)
- 4:00 – 4:50 p.m. Panel Room 2, Yoda was Wrong: There is Try, There is Fail, and There is no Force (Howard Tayler)
- 3:00 – 3:50 p.m. Panel Room 3, Crowdfunding 101: Achieving Success on Kickstarter & Indie-Go-Go (Howard Tayler, Jackie Estrada, Blair Sterrett, Jake Parker, Batton Lash)
- 4:00 – 4:50 p.m. Panel Room 6, Self-Publishing vs. Small Press vs. Big Publishers: Which is Best? (Tracy Hickman, Howard Tayler, Adam Sidwell, Michaelbrent Collings, Nathan Shumate, Rhiannon Paille)
My schedule can also be found here in the online convention guidebook. It took some clicking around to find it.
You're likely to find me at Booth 1221 pretty much any time I don't have a scheduled event. Note also, the program book should have a Schlock Mercenary ad right in the front, complete with a blank space for a quick (and I do mean quick) sketch at no charge to you. Will I be swamped? Was this a horrible investment? Only time will tell...
Regarding merchandise: we will have lots of stuff, but the thing we don't have many of is Volume 1, The Tub of Happiness. We may need to restrict the purchase of those to folks who are buying a bundle. We did find two boxes of leftover Munitions Canister I slipcases, which will only be available with a bundle that includes the first five books. We plan to reprint those, yes, but not until next year sometime.
The second printing of The Tub of Happiness arrives at the end of this month, so online orders that include that volume may be held for a couple of weeks.