First Lines over at Writing Excuses
It's Monday, and that means another installment of Writing Excuses is live. This time around, Brandon grills Dan and I on "first lines," the importance of hooking the reader, and why he worries that this gets too much emphasis when aspiring writers seek instruction on the craft. Have a listen to Episode Four: Beginnings.
There are a couple of great moments in there -- at one point I shout "Heresy!" and at another Brandon has a massive brain-fart (silent but deadly, in this case.) I also use what I now believe to be one of the weakest metaphors ever. For the record, I shall never again compare your writing to a used car.
In unrelated news, I had a great birthday, and I owe you all at least one or two more photos of the Wall O' Postcards. It looks wonderful, and I don't want to ever take it down.
Also, we will be shipping the Rule 1 t-shirts this week. Please stop ordering them for a few days (don't make me delete the link to the store item!) so Sandra can catch her breath.