Happy New Year!
Monday January 1, 2007 • Howard Tayler
Happy New Year everybody. I hope 2006 was as good for you and yours as it was for me and mine. This was the "make it or break it" year for Schlock Mercenary. If the books had flopped, I'd be back at a day-job right now, and the strip would probably have died as a result. This was also a great year for our family. I won't trouble you with the details (some of them are intensely personal), but I will say that we've all grown a lot, and we're happier now than we were at the same time last year. I've got goals for this year, and I've got some resolutions as well. Resolutions are, for me anyway, the things that I resolve to change about myself and the things that I resolve to be. Goals are just ways to measure progress. I'll share some of my resolutions and goals in a later post. For now, though, I've got cartooning to do. It was a long vacation, and there's a pile of work to be done. I can't think of a better way to celebrate the first day of 2007 than pouring myself back into this work I love. Thank you for making it possible for me to love it full-time.