Heading out...
Tuesday July 18, 2006 • Howard Tayler
I'll try to keep the blog at least a little bit updated while I'm gone, but don't hold your breath. These conventions get busy, and while I will have a laptop, busy trumps free wireless three falls out of five. (I think this means I've kicked my Internet addiction.) Demand for strip originals has been high. If I live lean, and nurse my Beetle for gas mileage, sales of strip originals at Comic-Con may just cover all my expenses. That means sales of other stuff is all gravy. I love gravy. Speaking of which, it turns out I have six leftover numbered sketch editions. We held these in reserve in case any of the mailings got lost (and it's a good thing, too) but now it looks like they're truly left over. And oh so lonely. And yours for just $30 each at Comic-Con. If they don't all sell, I'll bring them home and we'll have another multi-item auction. And with that, I need a quick nap before I begin driving. If I'm lucky I'll hit Mesquite in time for breakfast. As I recall, the Thunderbird Cafe has the best chicken-fried steak this side of the heat-death of the Universe.