For my birthday, my brother Randy took me out to lunch. He related something to me about "my biggest fan" and his friend Larry at Randy's work (for the record, I already know who my biggest fans are, because they've done minion-time at book releases.) And now, because it amuses me to post others' chat logs [2:51:48 PM] Larry Raab says: So was lunch fun? Great! [2:52:29 PM] Randy Tayler says: It was fun. I told Howard your friend the biggest fan said Happy Birthday. [2:52:45 PM] Randy Tayler says: And we ate meeeeeeaaat [2:52:46 PM] Larry Raab says: Did you say Josh in Seattle! [2:52:55 PM] Randy Tayler says: I... said... [2:53:00 PM] Randy Tayler says: um.... [2:53:07 PM] Larry Raab says: Does he ever do blogs? [2:53:13 PM] Randy Tayler says: Howard? [2:53:18 PM] Larry Raab says: ya [2:53:23 PM] Randy Tayler says: do = write? [2:53:33 PM] Larry Raab says: Whatever...make love or write whatever [2:53:42 PM] Randy Tayler says: He has 2 blogs [2:54:05 PM] Larry Raab says: Just wondering if he would ever just say "Hi to Josh in Seattle" just so my friend believes me
Larry, I hope your friend Josh in Seattle believes you. Also, how I do blogging when I do my blogs ( of which there are five) is knowledge exclusive to me and the fine woman who does my laundry.