June 12, 2002
Schlock Mercenary is two years old today. Wow.In creating the celebratory newsbox on the right I was forced to peruse the earliest weeks of the strip for a shot of Admiral Breya, and let me tell you, it was painful. Every so often I'd shudder to think that I actually put that artwork online. The only redeeming factor was that I had some decent gags back then, and my writing was pretty good, but the artwork absolutely repulses me. Frankly, I don't think I could bring myself to read a webcomic with artwork that horrid. I'm still wondering what possessed me to actually post old artwork in the newsbox. I'm a moron if I think that'll somehow attract NEW readers. Oh well. At least regular readers can look at it and laugh nervously, saying "gee I'm glad that's behind us now." | |
That's all for now. Happy birthday to the voices in my head. They've been around for more than two years, but they've only been reasonably corporeal since June 12th of 2000.