Find Me at LoneStarCon 3, the 71st World Science Fiction Convention
I'm at LoneStarCon 3, the 71st annual World Science Fiction Convention, held this year in San Antonio Texas. If you're at the show, I'm easy to find! Check the Dealer's Room! I'll be the table in front of the banner that looks like the one pictured to the right. And that picture? That's pretty much what I look like, too. Hard to miss!
If I'm not there, check the time. I might be at one of the following places instead:
- 10am-12pm -- Offsite thingy. You cannot find me.
- 2-3pm -- Autographing in the Autograph Area." I'll have sketch cards! Line up and make me feel popular!
- 5-6pm -- 007B: "Populist Art (Crowdsourcing the arts)" with Jon Schindehette, Phil Foglio, and Kaja Foglio
- 5-6pm --103B: "If The Pen is Mightier than the Sword..." (Social Issues in SF) with Michael Damian Thomas, Elizabeth Hull, and Rachel Swirsky
- 11:30am-12pm -- 002B: "Howard reads you a story!" I'll be reading from "Fall of the Runewrought," coming in Space Eldritch II this fall.
- 4-5pm -- 103B: "Space Opera: More than Mind Candy?" with Jay Lake, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Gini Koch, and Jack McDevitt
- 7pm-late -- Ernie's Bar (behind the Convention Center): Drinking with the Stars
- 1-2pm -- 008B: "Crowdfunding: the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly" with Tobias Buckell, Chris Garcia, and Cat Valente
- 2-3pm -- Rehearsal stuff. YOU CANNOT FIND ME
- 3-4pm -- 007B: "Playing in Other People's Sandboxes: Writing Comics that Aren't Your Own" with Alan J. Porter, Paul Benjamin, and Scott Edelman
- 6pm-late -- Dinner and Hugo Awards and stuff. Look for me and my crew looking sharp in formal wear.
- 9-10am -- Lobby (Rivercenter): Stroll with the Stars
- 11am-12pm -- Riverview (Riverwalk): Kaffeeklatsch (an informal sit-and-sip with me. Come chat!)
It's possible I'll remember to tweet stuff during the show, so you might try following me. I may hold some impromptu sessions of "Watch Howard Work" or "Watch Howard Draw Fan-Art for Other Authors," and Twitter is where those events will get announced. You might also consider following a bunch of other people with whom I may be firing messages at, but I don't know who those people are yet. Helpful!
This is my favorite show of the year, especially (and I'm not kidding here) the long, dark bittersweet Hugo Night, where I dress up and commiserate with fellow non-rocket-carrying nominees. The ballot is fierce, and I fully (and cheerfully!) expect to come home with naught but my seventh and eight pins. Those are not to be sneezed at. The honor of being nominated is something I continue to treasure, and it's not something that gets diluted with time or repetition.