LTUE Schedule
Sunday January 22, 2006 • Howard Tayler
The folks at Life, The Universe, & Everything have posted the Schedule of Events for this SF/F symposium. I'm on six panels, which is a good number, since most of what I want to be doing is meeting fans, making new fans, and drawing stuff for people (and for money). My schedule has been excerpted below, and is, as always, subject to the whims of mad, flying monkeys. Thursday, February 16th: 10:00 - 10:50 am *Rockets and Robots: When is science fiction not a fantasy about the future? Does science fiction have to be futuristic? Can you set it in the past? Can you have medieval science fiction? How is science fiction more than robots and technology? (Eric Swedin, Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury, Lyda Mae Huff, Eric James Stone, Howard Tayler) 4:00 - 4:50 pm *Writing a comic series. How does this differ from webcomics and one-shot comic books? Webcomics as series. (Jake Black, Lee Allred, Howard Tayler, Marc Roberg, Lee Whittaker, Arthur Roberg) 7:00 - 7:50 pm *Drawing Dragons. How do you draw a dragon? Why are they so popular? Friday, February 17th 9:00 - 9:50 am *High Tech Gadgets: Hero or Villain Toys (Dr. Tom Erekson, Josh Peltier (M), Howard Tayler, Joseph Ficklin (Air Force, ret.), Prof. Tim Maclain (MAGIC Spy plane) Saturday, February 18 1:00 - 1:50 pm *Create a character or habitat, have someone draw it. (Howard Tayler, TBA) 3:00 - 3:50 pm *Working as a team. Howard and Sandra Tayler talk about how they run a business and marriage. 6:00 - 6:50 pm *Structure in fiction. How important are the mechanics? The structure of your story? And how DO you structure a story? (Barbara Hume, Robert J Defendi, Brandon Sanderson, Kevin J. Anderson, Howard Tayler) 7:00 (7:15?) - 8:30 pm Fantasy Banquet. $10/Person. LOTS of food. Tri-Destiny will perform. Costumes optional. Held off-campus.