Mark the Date: Party At The Keep
Dragons Keep in Provo, Utah will again be hosting the Schlock Mercenary fulfillment party and book launch.
Thursday, November 16th: Come help us pack books into mailers - pre-printed mailing labels, postage, and invoices will make this go pretty smoothly. The festivities start around 11am, and will continue until about 6:00pm. We'll feed everybody who comes to help out.
Friday, November 17th: Lather, Rinse, Repeat. More books, more mailers, more preprinted stuff. And more food.
Saturday, November 18th: Come to The Keep and play! We'll have games out, and this time the food isn't just for those who help out. Throw down in a round of Frag, Munchkin, HorrorClix, or whatever else, and do so with a mouthful of free grub!
Naturally we will have copies of both Schlock Mercenary books available for purchase or pick-up, and yes, I'll be whipping out free sketches. Even if you don't buy a book, you can get a nice sketch from me.
Even if you can't make it, you can still participate. Buy a book, and the party-goers* on Thursday and Friday will mail it to you!
*Note to party-goers for Thursday and Friday -- please RSVP with Sandra sometime before the event.