I've just come home from Dragon's Keep where Howard and I spent all day mailing your books out to you. Or rather I spent the day mailing books. Howard spent the morning autographing. By afternoon all the autographed versions were done and into the mail. That's when Howard began drawing sketches. He's still there drawing sketches. Fortunately we were not in this project alone. We had between 4 and 10 volunteer schlockers helping out for most of the day. I cannot be grateful enough to these people for helping out. They came and helped despite the fact that I kept shifting the schedules so quickly it was hard to keep people apprised of the current plan. As of this writing, Howard just drew his 89th sketch edition. He'll be continuing work on those tomorrow during the Book Release Party. The official Schlock Mercenary Book Release Party will begin tomorrow at 11 am. It will take place at Dragon's Keep 260 North University Avenue in Provo UT. The party will end sometime after 7 pm. Howard and I will both be there all day to visit, eat food, and play games. If you're close enough we hope you'll come by and celebrate with us.