On Saturday the 28th I fly to Melbourne. Between now and then I need to script, pencil, and ink three weeks of comics to ensure that when I return from the World Science Fiction Convention I have sufficient time to convalesce. This means I'm not going to be seeing any movies. I am at peace with that decision, because pretty much everything coming out in the next two weeks is uninteresting to me. If you're going to be in Melbourne, watch this space or my Twitter Feed for details about my schedule. There will probably be at least one meet-and-greet sort of event not directly associated with the convention, but I doubt I'll have any merchandise in that setting. I will have merchandise at the show, of course. We have received word that our shipment of Schlock stuff (including a full array of books) arrived down under, and is waiting for me to sign for it on Wednesday the 1st. As always, I'll sketch in any book I sell you. For now, however, I need to be drawing comics. Ten days is not a lot of time to crank out three weeks of strips, even if they are full of Schlock.