First of all, Many Thanks to everyone who ordered ACEO cards. We really appreciate the support and interest. Howard has had a lot of fun doing them and we are really pleased that so many of you like them enough to buy. The sales of these cards have made a big difference to our family budget. So many of you have ordered that Howard has been having trouble keeping up. Every order placed prior to Monday morning has gone out, we're working our way through the rest of them, but Howard needs to pace himself so it may take as much as a week for him to catch up. Why does Howard need to pace himself? Because drawing and coloring so many little cards has been hard on his hand. Each ACEO takes as much focus and effort as 10 sketch edition books. Today Howard has had to take an enforced rest day because his hand hurts too much to get anything done. He'll be fine after a day of rest, but after that he'll be turning out ACEO cards at a sustainable pace rather than the rush he's been in this week. The result of Howard's pain is that I've made an executive decision. At 6 pm mountain time tomorrow (Friday October 9th) the sale on the ACEO art cards will end and the price will be $50 per card. Thanks to everyone who supports us. We really appreciate it. EDIT: 10/9/09 As of this edit we have nearly sold out of the ACEO cards. If you didn't get the character you want, rest assured that there will be a Series Two. But first we need to fill all the Series One orders and catch our breath.