I've been Called To Battle...
I had insomnia one night at GenCon Indy, and during that sleepless night I wandered over to the convention center, brushed past Brandon Sanderson (who was schooling James Dashner in Magic: The Gathering), and sat down to write.
True story! GenCon, 2:00am, you may happen across amazing things...
During that writing jag I pushed through a particularly sticky patch in a novelette for Privateer Press. That novelette, sticky patch all unstuck and smoothed over, releases this Thursday as part of Called To Battle.
The heavily-armored gentleman on the far right of the cover is Arlan Strangewayes, arcane mechanic, and he's the wrench-slinging, battle-called protagonist in the story I wrote. I loved digging in to his character just a hair more than I loved tearing apart some steamjacks and talking about how the things actually work.
I haven't read any of the other stories in the collection, but I'm looking forward to them.