There's so much that isn't getting done, lately. For instance, I need to be plugging some of my advertisers. Have a look over there in the left side-bar, in the box labeled "BlogAds"... See the fancy lasers? I saw one of the green ones at a convention a while back -- the guy wielding it was popping soap bubbles. The really powerful ones are pricey, but with those you can pop helium balloons. You should also look at Baen Books new online magazine, Jim Baen's Universe. You're already reading great science fiction online -- if you join Jim's Universe Club you can read stories that unfold a lot faster than one row of panels per day. I'm a big fan of lots of Baen authors (one of them wrote the introduction to Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management), and as far as I can tell, all their work is available as ebooks. Finally, in that same vein, 365 tomorrows provides a daily fix of online SF. This advertiser is brand new, so I haven't had much of a chance to sample it. Try it out and let me know what you think.