Paper and Pins and a Serving Suggestion
Schlock on a pin! We made 200 of these, and they're in the store now we don't have any left:
Sorry! We'll make more. Meanwhile, we're having a sale on original strip artwork too!
Original Schlock Mercenary strip artwork measures 14 inches wide by 8.5 inches high, and is on 80lb bond xerographic paper (regular printer paper.) Usually we charge $40 per row of artwork, but we're cutting that price in half for a little while. A daily strip will only set you back $20! Yes, a three-row Sunday will cost more than that. Math!
These original pages include all the dialog text--I laser-print the panel borders and the dialog before commiting art--and will also show faint pencil lines and not-so-faint blotches of white-out where I fixed things. There may be cases (less than 1%, really) where the dialog on the page doesn't match the dialog that appeared online. Usually changes were made to fix typos. Finally, the strips include a scrawl at the bottom showing the date upon which it was drawn and what my inked buffer was once that strip was completed.
If you want an original strip, the easiest way to do it is to send the URL of the archive page of the strip in question to , and Sandra can tell you whether that strip is still available. Then you make your purchase in the store, and email the order number to Sandra, and she'll make sure the right strips go out to the right people.
Back to the pins for a moment: if these are popular we will make more, and we will do pins of some of the other characters. Note, however, that the next run of these will be a little different (I'm going to adjust the placement of the vents on the plasgun) so that these first 200 pins will be recognizable as the Very First Schlock Pins Ever.
When I say "very first," I mean "pins with Schlock on them." We did Tagon's Toughs pins back in 2006, and those are almost gone. If we decide to make more pins with the company logo they'll be a lot different than the originals.
We are also planning on some convention exclusives Schlock pins for GenCon, Westercon, and SLC Fan-X. I'll post pictures of those as the events in question approach.
At an inch-and-a-half high, these pins may be a little large for today's narrower lapels. Of course, that needn't stop you from wearing them with even the most snappy of outfits. Here, for instance, is Schlock riding along with me to church...