September 18, 2004

World Tour Cancellations...

I'm back from Barcelona. It was tiring. It was wonderful. It was Spanish. It was Catalonian. There was paella. There were tapas. I got to meet wonderful people, including Lars, and I got to meet some real jerks, including (ESPECIALLY including) Ivan.

Ivan and I met in Atlanta. He delayed my flight, cost me a decent night's sleep, and frazzled my nerves to the point that I almost... ALMOST lost my will to live.

Now for the REALLY bad news: My NYC and Montreal trips have been cancelled. When I've got more time to write, I'll write about it, but at the moment I'm taking some of this new-found free-time (I don't have to pack for a plane trip on Monday) and cranking on the buffer.

Linucon is still "go" in October, and there's no indication at all of THAT trip being cancelled. Remember, if you want to get on my schedule there, you need to register for the con. And don't forget to use the "ovalkwik" coupon code when you do! You'll save money!

Which reminds me: you've all been really generous with the donations-for-desktops. Many of you have gone the extra mile (or five... or twenty-five) and donated more than a dollar. I wish I had something extra-special to send to you high-volume donors, but I don't. At least not THIS time around. At some point in the future, though, I'll put together a special "high-volume donor" package that includes original artwork, and maybe a nice membership certificate or something. With all the enthusiasm out there, I need to do SOMETHING nicer than just add exclamation points to my thank-you notes.

In slightly-related news, there will be big news here in a week or two. Big news, I say! Big! And SLIGHTLY-RELATED!

(p.s. There is a "David" donor with a hotmail account that is bouncing messages. If you want these desktops, you need to email me from a less bouncy account. Just tell me what your Paypal email address was so I know it's you.)