My Skullkickers Short is Airing on the Web!
I've said before that Jim Zub's Skullkickers is the fantasy comic I wish I'd written.
Well, for the short guest-comic collection in #12, "Four More Tavern Tales," Jim invited me to write a six-page Skullkickers story, and I jumped at the chance. I scripted it, and Jim looked my story over, then brought in Mike Lukas for the illustration, and Marshall Dillon for the lettering.
"Twang" has been available in print for a while now, but it's also unfolding on the web over the next six updates. Skullkickers airs a new installment every weekday, so "Twang" should be complete online by this time next week. Have a look! I think you'll like it. You don't have to read Skullkickers from the very beginning, but I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to.
If you want to acquire "Four More Tavern Tales" in print, I have a few contributor copies in the Schlock Mercenary Store. You can also buy Skullkickers trade paperbacks or hardback collections from your friendly local comics shop (including my home shop Dragon's Keep,) or you can pick them up on Amazon. Any brick-and-mortar comics shop can order Skullkickers trades for you, and you don't have to pay for shipping.
And if you're hooked, you might consider jumping on board for the monthlies. Uncanny Skullkickers #1 (Issue #19 in the continuity, I believe) arrives at the end of this month, and you can probably still place an order for it at the local comics shop.