Strength of Wild Horses is Kicking at 68%
Sandra's Kickstarter is at 68% with about ten days to go. If you haven't seen it yet, please go have a look!
If you're interested in the first picture book from Sandra and Angela (perhaps as a gauge for the quality of the one that's coming) a free PDF is right here.
Hold On to Your Horses, the first book, is available now, and might make a great Christmas present for kids or parents you know. Strength of Wild Horses, the one being Kickstarted, won't be available until spring. But if you like that PDF, and aren't in a hurry, you can pre-order both books at once for the $25 funding level, which includes US shipping.
Angela's artwork is absolutely gorgeous. We ran some test prints on canvas and those amazed me. I look forward to seeing the originals (which should be arriving here at Chez Tayler sometime this morning) and then doing some super-high-resolution scanning to capture as much of the awesome as is technologically possible.