Thursday June 20, 2002
Book 2: The Teraport Wars — The Teraport Wars


Narrator: Communications from the dublin...
Xinchub: Megiddo, confiscate the scientists' research, and determine if they've found the objective. Don't be afraid to make an example or two. They're all dead anyway.
Narrator: Communications from the Athens...
Breya: Tagon, you were right. I think they're going to kill Kevyn. Get your men in there and bust him out, please... Before it's too late.
Narrator: Communications among the fleetmind...
Petey: We have the prison module problem solved, what's next?
Narrator: Communications from another buuthandi...
P'd'k'tag: Launch the counterattack.
Narrator: That's what we get for asking what's next...
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