Sunday October 14, 2007
Book 9: The Body Politic — Part III: Schlocktober Fest 2007


Narrator: Nanobots are clever things, much cleverer than most. The reaper they do keep at bay on behalf of their host.
Narrator: But now their host hath sloughed the coil, hath drunk the bitter cup. In spite of nanobots he wants for daisies to push up.
Narrator: Their calling now has lost its voice, their tinyness looms large. Billions now see but one choice. . . To board that Stygian barge.
Narrator: Yet powers lie within, untapped. New hope, new light to give another choice presents itself: The choice to fight, and live!
Kevyn: Fine, I'll look at the monitors, but it doesn't matter because whatever happens will be contained.
Narrator: These nanoscopic beings strive against their programmed form.
Doctor Bunnigus: See? That's not normal blood-nanny activity. Especially not in a dead guy.
Kevyn: I'll grant that, but they're still only nanobots. They can eat the whole corpse if they want, but there's no way for them to get out.
Narrator: They must adapt. They shall survive.
Narrator: . . .Emerging as a swarm.
Kevyn: Oh, hey, that's a new trick.