Kevyn:Which means I'm "Commander" to you, not "Kevyn."
Para Ventura:Oh. Fine, whatever, Commander. Have you seen the uniforms we've been issued?
Kevyn:I designed them. We got a little tired of running away from bullets.
Para Ventura:I'm a roboticist, not a grunt. Why do I need to be bulletproof? Your girlfriend, Commander Foxworthy, she said we're supposed to wear these all the time.
Kevyn:If it makes you feel any better, you're not going to get shot at all the time.
Para Ventura:Then why do I have to wear body armor all the time?
Kevyn:Because you only need to get shot once in order to be dead.
Kevyn:You don't know where that shot may come from, and there may not be a nice, armored grunt to jump in and take the bullet for you.
Kevyn:And even if there is, if you've been whining a lot, he may jump a little too slowly.