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Writing Excuses with Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Howard Tayler
One Cobble at a Time - the official site for Sandra Tayler's writings
NARRATOR: C.O.'s office...
GEN. TAGON: Son, we should call Admiral Fless and let him know we're heading back into the spindle.
TAGON: Really? I'd rather not alert him to the fact that we'll be treasure-hunting up there.
GEN. TAGON: I'm not suggesting we tip our hand. I just think that we're better off not getting shot for surprising somebody.
TAGON: I'll call, but I think this is only going to complicate things.
TAGON: Admiral Fless? Err... Phflessce? Did I say that right? How are you today?
FPHLESSCE: It's Tagon? *shouting* PUT HIM THROUGH!
TAGON: I'm already through, Admiral. Is everything—
FPHLESSCE: *interrupting* What did you do down there?
TAGON: Lots of things, Admiral. What's happening?
FPHLESSCE: A swarm of 'bots came up that shaft you went down. Took out two of our research teams.
TAGON: Oh. Well... we had to cut through some biomass to get through the door. But we didn't see any activity in the shaft.
FPHLESSCE: *on screen* There's activity now. This place is alive, and has an immune system. You should get out. That's what we
TAGON: See? See how complicated things just got?