Monday November 30, 2015
Book 16: Big, Dumb Objects — Part III


NARRATOR: Training begins...

ENNESBY: This is the Toughs Handbrain of Operations: Senior Officers.

ENNESBY: This companion volume is the Toughs Handbrain of Operations: Platoon Officers.

ENNESBY: Finally, the light reading is the Toughs Handbrain of Operations: Grunts.

ENNESBY: The names shorten to "Thooso," "Thoopo," and, because a double 'o' is sometimes a 'u,' "Thug."

CDRE TAGON: That's clever, but I was promised a single volume.

ENNESBY: You were!

These three editions are for daily reference. They are drawn from the Toughs Handbrain of Operations: Master.

ENNESBY: THOOM, if you will.

CDRE TAGON: Well played.

I think we all will.