Sunday May 8, 2016
Book 16: Big, Dumb Objects — Part IV


NARRATOR: Beskin-Sashik Council Chamber...

BESTI: They paid how much?

ANTOSSA: Don't look at the number. Payment will be remitted as raw materials: three of these Oafan hulls everyone is talking about.

ANTOSSA: In pure PTU value we'll be getting about twice what we've collected in the three years we've been here.

ANTOSSA: If we need to fly, and that time has probably come, this will keep us solvent for at least two generations.

BESTI: Yes, but why did they pay that?

ANTOSSA: We have more important things to discuss than my full suite of economic calculations.

TESS: Antossa pulled a big number out of his alk-drip, and hey, who knew the Toughs had that much money lying around?

ANTOSSA: Tess. A word, please?

ANTOSSA: My job is easier if they think I'm a genius.

TESS: This was good wingshine, sir.

"His alk-drip has better answers than all the town's tree-teats put together."

ANTOSSA: I am quite sure that's not what they heard, but thank you.