Tuesday November 14, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — The Shopping Trip


Breya: Tagon, I selected a line of power armor for myself and the troops. It's good stuff, and I got myself fitted for a set already.
Breya: You need to make the final selection on the stuff for the men. Here's the catalog.
Tagon: Thanks. I've got resumes for doctors who want to enlist. Shall we trade?
Breya: Sure.
Narrator: A bit later...
Schlock: Tagon, is that the Planet Mercenary personal armor catalog?
Tagon: Yes it is.
Schlock: Can we look at the model Breya picked for herself?
Tagon: It's a little frumpy. I'd like to see her in this.
Schlock: Holy hot metal mammaries...