Sunday January 26, 2003
Book 2: The Teraport Wars — Post Post-Dated Check Loan


Narrator: Our hero is trapped, weaponless, on the observation deck of the tallest tower in Nectaris City. . .
SWAT Commander: We've got you surrounded!
SWAT Commander: Just come along quietly and nobody gets hurt!
SWAT Moron: Fifty bucks says he jumps.
SWAT Commander: Why would he jump? There's nothing here worth dying over.
SWAT Moron: So put up fifty bucks, Commander.
SWAT Commander: Fine. Fifty bucks says he doesn't jump.
SWAT Moron: Time's up, dirt-bag! Yer gonna fry!
Schlock: Yiiiiipe!?
SWAT Moron: Pay up, sucker.