Tuesday March 9, 2004
Book 4: The Blackness Between — Part V: Backstabbing on the Fast Track


Narrator: Aboard the U.N.S. Frigate Sarasota.
Ennesby: The Tunguska lost one of her annie plants, and the V.D.A. is showing gravitic anomalies all over.

The Serial Peacemaker is in an evasive random-walk.

Ennesby: Those anomalies must be "clumps" of active Dark Matter, and they're attacking by using their gravitic influence on regular matter.
Haban II: Is there anything we can do for the Serial Peacemaker?
Ennesby: I dunno. Pray?
Tagon: Is there anything we can do to help, Ennesby?
Ennesby: I dunno. Pray?