Sunday October 12, 2008
Book 10: The Longshoreman of the Apocalypse — Part III: Schlocktoberfest 2008 - A Wrinkle in Time


Narrator: The Touch-And-Go is station-keeping "above" the wreckage in Southport.
TAG: Surveillance drones are done sweeping the scow. It is empty. I am tractoring it off the dock now.
Captain Tagon: What do you suppose it's worth?
TAG: Scrap. Hull integrity is dubious, fittings are picked clean.
Captain Tagon: Perfect. I'm transferring fire control to my console.
TAG: Sir, it may be scrap, but it is scrap worth millions. That scow is heavy.
Captain Tagon: And now it is in easy-to-carry pieces.
TAG: Except for the stern. That chunk is still mostly in-
TAG: -um-
TAG: -tact?
Captain Tagon: Tact has nothing to do with it. This is diplomacy.