Monday October 13, 2008
Book 10: The Longshoreman of the Apocalypse — Part III: Schlocktoberfest 2008 - A Wrinkle in Time


Ennesby: Incoming call, sir.
Captain Tagon: No surprise. That'll be CHN Anchor Frank Hannibal asking for my comment regarding the destruction of that scow.
Captain Tagon: "Blah blah blah excessive force blah blah?" "Why, no, Frank, this is excessive force blah blah blam."
Ennesby: Actually, it's your Dad.
General Tagon: Hello again, Kaff. Is now a good time?
Captain Tagon: No. You're interrupting my fantasy of blowing up a news Anchor.
General Tagon: Been there, done that, got promoted.