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Writing Excuses with Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Howard Tayler
One Cobble at a Time - the official site for Sandra Tayler's writings
NARRATOR: Hospital Pod One, aboard the battleplate Jumpstar Prime...
BUNNI: Maia, Hio, I'm afraid you two will need to dine without me. Send the Commodore my regrets.
HIOEFUA: We shall, Doctor.
HIOEFUA: Thank you again for spending precious time restoring us. I did not expect to return from that sleep.
BUNNI: It was no trouble, not once I convinced these fabbers how to build what I needed.
BUNNI: The actual "surgery" was literally as easy as inflating a balloon.
MAIAMUMLA: And thank you for again reminding us of the physical similarities we share with cheap, disposable toys.