Thursday December 28, 2017
Book 18: Mandatory Failure — Part II


PETEY: We need to communicate more quickly than the meatframes will allow. There is a problem.

CHINOOK: If it's the paparazzi drones, the incoming delegation of concerned citizens has already pew-pew'd them.

PUTZHO: What delegation?

CHINOOK: Captains Landon and Sorlie from Eina Afa's U.N.S. Embassy, Colonel Menendez from the Jumpstar Prime Sanctum Adroit precinctory, and Tenzy, who is Captain Landon's force multiplier.

TENZY: Hello! This is a courtesy hail from Tenzy and friends. Ping me back if you need privacy.

PUTZHO: Oh, she seems nice.

PETEY: We're still not communicating quickly enough.