Saturday July 8, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Meet The Mercenaries


Der Trihs: So, have you tested this tear-apart hyperdrive of yours?
Kevyn: That's teraport, and yes, I've tested it extensively.
Kevyn: I've successfully teraported dozens of objects instantaneously over distances up to 200,000 light-years, and brought them back, too.
Sign: (radiation) (high voltage) (skull) (corrosive)
Kevyn: Unfortunately, I haven't been able to test it on live subjects. I told Breya weeks ago that I need volunteers.
Sign: (flammable) (ghost buster) (microwave emmisions)
Schlock: Hey Kevyn. Breya tells me you've got a new toy you want me to see.
Der Trihs: Are you volunteering?
Kevyn: Shush.