Sunday November 6, 2011
Book 12: Force Multiplication — Part III: Fight or Flight


NARRATOR: Parnassus Dom, dock five, bay twenty-four...

TAGON: Doctor, debriefing...

TAGON: ... can wait a few minutes, I suppose.

THEO: You're safe.

BUNNI: Sorry to scare you.

THEO: No, I'm sorry to scare you.

BUNNI: Wait, what?

THEO: I scared you away.  I pushed all those invitations onto you, and you hared off across the galaxy rather than talk to your mother.

BUNNI: That's not quite how it happened.

THEO: But that's exactly how I felt about it.  So... an early wedding present!

THEO: I talked to your parents and cleared everything up.

THEO: "Your daughter was a victim of government mind-control" is actually a pretty good excuse.

BUNNI: "I talked to your parents and cleared everything up" is actually a pretty good wedding present.