Sunday June 10, 2001
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Battle for the Wormgate


Narrator: Negotiations continue, sort of...
Schlock: I came as soon as I heard! Where are they?
Tagon: Who are you looking for, sergeant?
Schlock: Attorney drones, Massey tells me that they're permanently in season now.
Tagon: There were four. I got all of them.
Schlock: You didn't leave any for me? That's not fair.
Tagon: Fair? So far i've gotten a total of four. How many have you bagged?
Schlock: I dunno. Twenty-something?
Tagon: Gee, you're right. That doesn't sound fair, now does it?
Schlock: Oops. I think i'm needed elsewhere.
Tagon: Now, where were we?
Nejjat Chancellor: The nejjat government will pay a 2000 cred-per-head bounty for the captives in the tractored control center captain.
Tagon: Your people are very generous, chancellor.
Torpth'g'd'p'tawn: My people will match any competing bid for these captives.
Tagon: So i'm hearing 2000 creds per from both of you. Help me make up my mind, please.
Torpth'g'd'p'tawn: Not only will we match the bid, but we will not require your extraction services. We will take the captives ourselves.
Tagon: Oooh, I like that. Do you have a counteroffer, chancellor?
Nejjat Chancellor: I hate mercenaries.
Tagon: Sold to the gatekeepers, then?
Nejjat Chancellor: Fine.
Tagon: Come on, chancellor, everybody wins here. You'll have an operational wormgate soon, the gatekeepers will have some prisoners to interrogate, presumably to plug a security hole on their part, and my company gets paid. Who got left out?
Narrator: The opposing force. Oh well...
Nejjat Terrorist Lea:
Nejjat Terrorist Tro: