Thursday September 14, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Everybody's Gotta Eat


Narrator: Today's mercenary musing: Can robots eat?
Schlock: I don't know why you bothered to come along, Ennesby.
Ennesby: Hey, I can eat. I just don't need to eat. It's not a question of ability.
Ennesby: Eating is just a matter of mashing the food up, dissolving it, pulling some useful stuff from it, and then passing the rest back into the ecosystem. Allow me to demonstrate.
SFX: <Crunch> <Mash, mash>
SFX: <Gurgle, gurgle>
SFX: <Plop>
Brad: That was my salad...
Schlock: That was my chair.
Narrator: There's your answer, folks. Robots can eat, but should never be allowed to eat out.