Tuesday January 2, 2001
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Bureaucracy Bountiful


Attorney Drone 1: There is no call for unpleasantries Mister Reynstein. You've beaten us in court, but we would still like to make a deal with you.
Massey: You can't afford me.
Attorney Drone 1: Bah! Every man has a price. These mercenaries... Any action that delays their departure from Luna will benefit us, and will be richly rewarded.
Massey: How richly?
Attorney Drone 1: One hundred thousand kilocreds. Galactic currency.
Massey: That's a lot of money. I could buy my way to any point in the galaxy with that.Throw in a clean conscience for me and you've got a deal.
Attorney Drone 1: What is this "conscience" you speak of?
Massey: Part of my price.
Attorney Drone 1: Hrrrm, I'll see what we can do...