Saturday January 6, 2001
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Bureaucracy Bountiful


Bunni: Captain Tagon, I think we need to review our choice of health insurance providers.
Tagon: Is there a problem, Doctor?
Bunni: Corporal Nicholson's left hand has been crushed. You may recall that he only had three fingers on that hand to begin with, thanks to some accident or another.
Bunni: So it's faster to just clone him a new hand, and as a bonus the new hand has all five fingers.
Tagon: Sounds like good news so far, Doctor.
Bunni: Well, the insurance company is claiming the missing fingers are a pre-existing condition, and they are demanding that I remove those same fingers from the cloned hand!
Tagon: And you need help with the amputation? What am I missing, here?
Breya: Compassion, apparently.