Thursday January 25, 2001
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Bureaucracy Bountiful


Ennesby: Okay, Thurl. My daughter, Lunesby, took care of our paycheck. Can you help me get her out of these goverment computers now?
Thurl: I'm not sure. What do you want to put her into?
Ennesby: Anything... Just so long as she doesn't have to live out her life hard-wired to a stale old bureaucracy.
Thurl: But she evolved there. I'm not sure she'd survive a transfer... At least not as herself.
Lunesby: It's okay, Ennesby. I don't mind staying here. I like my work, and i think I can truly help people this way. I think that's what I'm meant to do... It's my reason for living.
Ennesby: Oh no... My only child wants to be a... a...
Lunesby: Think of me as a cross between a social worker and a reform-agenda bureaucrat
Thurl: It's time to let go, man.
Narrator: *sniff* It's so touching when they finally leave the nest...